A business item is an item that you use to represent a product or service that you sell to a customer. You use business items to store information about the characteristics of the product or service that you are selling, such as its physical attributes, price, and quality. You also use business items to set up and manage a variety of inventory processes that are specific to your type of business. For example, you use catalog items to represent products that you don’t stock and manage in inventory until you sell them; you use service items to manage the quantity of services that your business can offer customers within a given time frame; and you use WIP inventory to manage materials that are in the process of being produced.사업아이템
You can define many attributes at the business unit level for an item, including numeric fields such as weight and volume. You can also determine planning and manufacturing information for the item, including default production and bill of material (BOM) information if you use PeopleSoft Manufacturing. You can also assign an item to putaway and picking zones in a business unit, which improves control over the storage of the item when it arrives at your warehouse for picking and packing.남자소자본창업
You can specify a time-phased safety stock level for the item on the Define Item – Inventory: Planning: Inventory Options page. The system considers the safety stock level in its calculation of reorder quantities. You can also select whether to include the business item in a master plan on the Define Business Unit Item – Manufacturing: WIP Replenishment page. If you do, the system creates planned orders for this item at all manufacturing sites that participate in the supply chain model.